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About us

Hi, my name is Cathal O'Sullivan, CEO of Life Changer Fitness. If you are reading this then you are obviously interested in what I have to share with you. This is good. Because of this I shall share with you my story and why I want to be a Shopify Guru.

So you know my name, here is my story. I'm a 25 year old male (I feel the need to include male as some people outside of Ireland confuse Cathal for a ladies name) born and bred in Ireland. I'm currently working part time in the fitness industry and have been doing so for the last year. 

I'm a very simple guy with simple tastes. Sport, food & people would have to be 3 of my biggest passions in life. The sports I play and follow are not the everyday norm for an Irish man, especially with the huge Gaelic Games influence we have in the country. American sports are more my cup of coffee (because I don't drink tea......again not the norm for an Irish man) playing Basketball & American Football locally as well as supporting the Oklahoma City Thunder & Seattle Seahawks. Then you obviously have the fitness side of things, I absolutely love working out and challenging myself and my body to grow and develop, pretty much to keep getting stronger.

Food......well food is just love. Again coming from the fitness industry you learn quickly that food is one of the most important things in life. I can't say that I am a complete foodie, as much as I like to think I am, but I have an incredible hunger to try new foods, new recipes, new structures to a meal plan. Pretty much anything that confuses and excites my body. If I had to pick a favorite meal, it would have to be my signature breakfast dish......"Egg Mess". Its a perfect balance of carbs, protein & fats, fills me right up & tastes like heaven.

In pretty much every job I have worked in I have always chose to work in jobs where I work with people on a 1 to 1 basis. There's nothing like being able to meet, work with and engage with people on a daily basis as everyone is completely different, coming from all walks of life. My experience with customers & liasing with them varies across the fitness industry, sports & mobile communications retail giving me extensive experience across a lot of platforms. I'm a firm believer in delivering a champions level of customer service to my clients & customers as it goes a long way towards making a happy customer who continues to return continuously.

I am an individual who loves to try new things, always eager for a brand new experience and a challenge. I live by the saying "if it doesn't challenge you, it wont change you" and for me change is always a positive, a chance to develop and become a better version of me which I feel like I can achieve by being a Guru with Shopify. Having researched the position I fell in love with the type of position that it is, I simply love the idea of being able to work from home rather than spending over an hour each day sitting in traffic. Then being able to work with people from the comfort of my own home is a massive bonus for me. Obviously there will be the new experience of working with a team of people, who are not actually in the same room or building as me but again Shopify have made it so easy to keep in touch, to ask questions & to eventually meet the guys that are part of the team which looks like a lot of fun. You ask why I would like to be a Guru? My question is "who wouldn't?". It is a job like no other, an opportunity for change and to gain experience like no other.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me.