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The Paper Clip

Poured by Cathal O'Sullivan on

The magical instrument that is indeed the paper clip was invented in the late 1800's for the simple task of holding several sheets together through pressure. This was indeed revolutionary as the stapler which predated the paperclip was harder to remove from the sheets of paper making the paperclip a more efficient piece of office stationary.

Over the years the years the paperclip has developed beyond its original purpose & now has more uses than one could care to imagine. Today I'm going to talk to you about my 4 favorite uses for the paperclip and how it really has impacted my life.

1) The iPhone Sim Tray Key

For anyone who has had an iPhone knows the difficulty in trying to remain in possession of the key they supply you with in order to get your sim card out of your phone. The struggle is real. I used to work for a mobile communications company where it was pretty much a requirement to open an iPhone up at least 5 times an hour and someone would have always lost or stolen the key. I still remember that day when I was so tired of not having a key to open up my phone, I took out a paperclip and began to straighten it out. I placed it into the little hole and the tray popped straight out. No lie, the joy I felt was absolutely amazing.

2) The Finger Nail Cleaner

I think most people can definitely associate with this. Come on, we've all done it at some stage in our lives. The usual "don't have enough time to have a shower", throw on some extra deodorant, aftershave and a paper clip under the nails to at least look and smell fresh. If you've never done this then you really have never had a busy day in your life.

3) The Salt & Pepper Cleaner

We're starting to make our way through the more unpopular uses in my life. Not the biggest fan of Salt & Pepper but when I occasionally use it I do seem to always have to give the little holes a poke to clear them out so I can actually get some salt & pepper for my soup. Not the biggest soup eater as it tends to not fit my macro ratios so I find I'm best off avoiding it as much as possible. The Nutrition talk is all for another day, time to get back to my fourth and final use for a paperclip.

4) Keeping The Bread Fresh

So back when I was, for a better phrase, "larger than life" and carrying a lot of extra weight, bread was a massive part of my diet. It was genuinely my first love. So much so that I would have a complete freak-out if someone didn't close it up properly. So to combat their laziness I used to use a paper clip to keep the bread sealed shut so it would remain fresh for longer. Thankfully my relationship with bread ended a few years ago and no longer have the need to get out the paperclip for this reason. I do occasionally flirt with bread, but it never goes any further than that.

So there you have it, 4 things to do with a paperclip & how they changed my life. Hope you enjoyed the read, I will be back very soon with another blog that has no relation to my awesome Shopify online store.



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